Memory Bricks

MEMORY BRICKS at Newport Harbor High School
Memory Brick order forms are due each year on April 1st. Brick orders are installed in June of each year, prior to graduation day. If you missed this deadline and would like to mail your brick order now, we will hold it until the following March. Newport Harbor Educational Foundation will charge your credit card or cash your check whenever we receive your order, but the actual brick order will occur in April of the year following your order.
Price is $100 for the first brick; additional bricks are $75 each. Download a Memory Brick Order Form below, fill it out with your brick’s “message” and send your payment (check or credit card) to:
Newport Harbor Educational Foundation
Newport Harbor High School
600 Irvine Ave
Newport Beach, CA 92663
Please join us for our annual tour of beautiful homes
in the Newport Harbor High School Community.
Disclaimer: This website is operated and maintained by volunteers of the Foundation. All information and postings associated with this page and any links are at the sole discretion of the Foundation and not endorsed by the Newport-Mesa Unified School District.
Newport Harbor Educational Foundation - Newport Harbor High School
600 Irvine Ave.
Newport Beach, CA 92663
Phone: 949-646-1556
Federal Tax ID # 33-0676878